Friday, June 5, 2015

Ted Talk

    Tony Fadell used many examples about how things in like just become unnoticed after a while.  One of the examples he used in the video was how in the movie "The Blues Brothers" a train would pass by and knock things off the wall.  He explained how the characters became accustomed to the train coming by since it happened so often, it became unnoticed to them.  Another example he used was about the stickers on fruit.  He told the audience about how when he was younger the stickers were never on the fruit.  Once they first started to appear on the fruit it was unnatural for people to realize they were there.  You would just bite into the fruit and then find a sticker in your mouth.  As the years went by it became accustomed for you to peel the sticker off before since you know it's going to be there. v Finally, he used the example of how apple devices were never charged when you fist buy it.  He tells the story of how he bought an iPod and when he opened the box it told him to "charge before use".  It was frustrating to but a product and not be able to use it right away.  Apple changed the way products were produced and sold them charged and ready to use when customers bought them  This was more convenient for customers and made them want to but more products.
    I too have experiences where products have been unsatisfactory when I bought them.  Once, my family had purchased a DVD player.  When we opened the box to set it up there was no cable to hook it up to the t.v. so we could not use it.  It was inconvenient for us since we had to go all the way back to the store to buy the cable.  Another time I experienced inconvenience is when i purchased a product that needed batteries but did not come with them.  I had to go back and buy batteries to use the product.  Both of these products were not planned very well.

    A planned design for a product is any apple device.  When you buy a phone or iPod they come with a charging cable and headphones, plus the device is already charged.  The customer doesn't have to go threw any problems which is why it is well planned.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enron Scandal

     Recently Enron, the American energy, commodities, and services company, has been involved in a scandal.  The scandal had Enron's chairman, Kenneth Lay, begging for help along with the other Enron bosses. Campaign money was being taken from Enron by the Congress and was used for buying Republicans.  This made the colleagues suspicious of how much the company bosses made, since the employees funds were very much invested in the stocks.  The company's bankruptcy is raises along with the questions from other people.   

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bad Chicken

     According to "Frontline", there has been a recent study showing that Salmonella was found in chicken.  The outbreak caused over 600 people to become sick with the disease, although the chicken eaten had been tested prior to it being sold.  Foster Farms had three infected chickens which had been tested as not diseased.  Consumers had no idea what they were about to eat when they did.   Changes to the tests are now being made in order to make them more safe.  I was unaware that it was common for diseases to be missed by companies when they test for them.  I would like to learn more about that so i can easily trust that I will not get sick while eating chicken or any other food that could carry it.   This relates to business since Foster Farms is going to loose business since consumers will not want to get sick from eating their food.  

Scavenger Hunt

       Last Intro to Business class we went outside to complete a scavenger hunt.  Each person was allowed one or two partners which was very helpful.  I had two partners which made the assignment easier.  Each of us had a priority, I was to take the pictures, Emily was to be in the pictures for proof that we took them and Matt was to read off the item,s that were needed to be found.  All of us were to contribute into finding the items.  It was helpful to have more than one person to look for the items since we found them faster.  While doing this assignment I made connections to my life.I never realized how many advertisements and business related things were in my neighborhood.  This assignment was very helpful to improving my business life.

Cat in Space

Cat in Space
Space with Cat